Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eight Months

It's hard to believe this little happy princess is eight months old! She loves to eat (most of the foods that we eat) and is delighted with her brother and sister. She squeals when they are around and loves to giggle when she is tickled. She is crawling and scooting and trying to pull herself up. She makes all sorts of good noises that sound like "mama" and she makes me so grateful that she is a part of our family.

Oh, she loves to read, too.

Vinyl Gifts and More

When we were in Idaho for our Cole Family Reunion my sister Lauren's mother-in-law Diane offered to cut some vinyl for us. She and her daughter began a business (Vinyl Gifts and More) and was kind enough to share her talents. It's only taken me FOUR MONTHS to get them hung (Thanks Ryan!).

I always have a hard time deciding what I want to put on my walls, but I loved this quote when my Granddad gave it in Conference and a few of my cousins had it done in vinyl so I decided to go with it. Who said I had to be original? I love the way it turned out. It is in the family room, above the doorway to the door to the garage and basement stairs.

Lauren gave me this initial vinyl... I finally painted a piece of wood and hung it on a cute piece of wrought iron. It's in our front room.  I love the way it turned out!

I love President Hinckley's "Be's" and thought this would be great in the kids' room--I put it above the door.

**If you need any vinyl cut they have a great website with a lot of ideas and will also do custom vinyl.  Visit their site here.  Thanks Diane and Lauren!

**Do you have vinyl on your walls?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ensemble Festival

Olivia's piano teacher arranged for her to play in an Ensemble Festival with two other students (who happen to be Liv's close friends). They scored high enough to be invited to play at an Honor's Recital.

Here is "Romp a la Mozart":

and "Three's A Crowd":

Olivia worked really hard on her part and had a great time playing these pieces. Way to go Liv!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy birthday Chancy Pants


Happy birthday, little man! Today you would have turned eight years old. Even though you have been gone for five years we still miss you so much. I wonder what your personality would be like now... no doubt you would be inquisitive and happy and make everyone smile. I wonder what subjects you would like in school and what sports you might like to play. I wonder what music you would like to listen to and if the "Sound of Music" would still be your favorite show. I wonder if you would still love Spiderman and would still like to ride on the back of your mama's chair as she rolls down the street. We talk about you all the time and feel blessed to have had you in our family.  We love you!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We miss you Mikkie!

Sweet Mikayla,

Today would have been your second birthday! We miss you so much. We think of you every day and are so grateful that you are a part of our family. Your mom and aunts and grandma (and other family members) are working hard on a tree for you for the Festival of Trees.  We know that your memory will live on and we hope that other children can benefit from our work.  Something that your parents did at PCMC still amazes me... they donated your heart valves so that other children would have a chance at life.  I am grateful that they were generous enough to share a piece of you with people in need. They are incredible people and inspire us all with their strength and faith.  I love this picture of you from the Jammy Walk at Bear Lake this year... it shows how much you loved life and your little piggies are too cute. We miss you and love you Mikkie, you made our lives better.

