When we were in Idaho for our Cole Family Reunion my sister Lauren's mother-in-law Diane offered to cut some vinyl for us. She and her daughter began a business (Vinyl Gifts and More) and was kind enough to share her talents. It's only taken me FOUR MONTHS to get them hung (Thanks Ryan!).
I always have a hard time deciding what I want to put on my walls, but I loved this quote when my Granddad gave it in Conference and a few of my cousins had it done in vinyl so I decided to go with it. Who said I had to be original? I love the way it turned out. It is in the family room, above the doorway to the door to the garage and basement stairs.
Lauren gave me this initial vinyl... I finally painted a piece of wood and hung it on a cute piece of wrought iron. It's in our front room. I love the way it turned out!
I love President Hinckley's "Be's" and thought this would be great in the kids' room--I put it above the door.
**If you need any vinyl cut they have a great website with a lot of ideas and will also do custom vinyl. Visit their site
here. Thanks Diane and Lauren!
**Do you have vinyl on your walls?