Monday, January 4, 2010

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Now that 2009 has come to an end... I've been reminiscing a bit on the last decade... we have done a lot in the last 10 years... We...

  • Bought our house
  • Had a baby (Yay for Olivia!)
  • Left the work force (Lisa)
  • Started working at BYU (Ryan)
  • Helped start Learning Bridge and worked there for 9 years (Ryan)
  • Graduated from BYU (Ryan)
  • Had another baby (Yay for Coleman!)
  • Traveled to Hawaii, Chile (Ryan only), Florida, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Connecticut, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Egypt (Ryan only), California, Paris...
  • Said goodbye to four dear grandparents and one sweet nephew
  • Sent Olivia and Coleman to school
  • Watched Olivia choose to get baptized
  • Served in every YM position possible and had a brief stint as EQ President and Sunday School President (Ryan)
  • Served in two RS presidencies, was called to teach RS three times, spent a few months as an Activity Days leader, a few months as a nursery coordinator, 3 years in the Primary presidency, a quick year doing Personal Progress in YW, and currently serve as the ward Activities co-chair and ward newsletter editor (Lisa)
  • Re-entered the work force (Lisa)
  • Learned to play the piano (Olivia)
  • Moved on to Heritage Makers, with some sadness at leaving Learning Bridge and some excitement at doing some thing new (Ryan)
  • Survived stitches (twice) and staples in the head (Coleman)
  • Survived multiple rounds of kidney stones, lithotripsy, and one pulmonary embolism (Lisa)
  • Made new friends and kept the old
  • Have been blessed in so many ways!
Looking ahead to the next decade... we expect (hope) to:
  • Add another baby to the family... only 11 weeks to go!
  • Again leave the workforce (Lisa only... Ryan is stuck!)
  • Watch Olivia and Coleman start driving and dating (unless I get my way and they wait until they are 25)
  • Pursue more education
  • Buy a new house (please, let it have a mud room!)
  • Travel to new and exciting places along with familiar and well-loved places
  • Make new friends, and keep the old
  • Continue to feel grateful for all of our blessings, and hopefully be able to bless some others in return...
**What did you do this last decade?
**Any grand plans for the decade to come?


Rockelle said...

lisa, you always make me smile. I hope I buy a new house in this decade too. AND I hope it has a 2 car garage and a big bathtub!

Janene said...

one decade ago, I was on my mission! It's been a great ten years, to have met and married the best guy, and to have made all the memories we have. Thanks for the reflection!

Anonymous said...

I am definitely going to start stealing your blog ideas for my own. I might have to dig out my journals to remind me since I can't remember anything anymore.