Monday, September 8, 2008

Programs of the Past

Tonight at the dinner table we were discussing an upcoming PTA project (Red Ribbon Week) and talking about assembly possibilities. Ryan mentioned the police might do something, which made us think of the D.A.R.E program--but Olivia said she'd never heard of it (checking online shows that the D.A.R.E. program is indeed alive and well).
Out of curiosity, we asked if the kids had heard of McGruff--Take a bite out of crime? Never heard of him either.
Finally, Ryan tried good old Smokey the Bear. Olivia got a bright look in her eyes as she recalled that Smokey the Bear had visited her class when she was in kindergarten. She told us how Smokey barely made it out of the burning forest, and that his parents didn't survive. She said the firefighters were there to help save him. She spoke with such enthusiasm and sympathy for the bear that I asked her if Smokey was real... to which she got a very confused look on her face and said: "I don't know!?" I then asked her, "Well, did he talk?" to which she sheepishly grinned and answered, "Well, yeah...."

Coleman (who is feeling so much better, thanks for all your concern and well-wishes) didn't miss a beat though... he said, "Nah, it's just a person dressed up."

**Do you remember these programs? It should be noted, they are not programs of THE past, just programs of MY past.
**Can you recall (without cheating) what D.A.R.E. stands for?


Nicole said...

Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education?? I think that is right. I remember all of those programs! And I think there actually was a Smokey the Bear. Though I think he came about in the 50's so I am sure poor Smokey has died by now. I must google and find out. :)

Lauren said...

I have no idea what the real meaning is, but I vote for "Drugs Are Really Evil!" - easier for kids (and me) to remember! By the way, I think we need McGruff more than ever...

Tim Harper said...

I've pretty sure it was Drug Abuse Resistance Education, as we should know that not ALL drugs are evil :)


Lisa R.D. said...

Tim's got it... Drug Abuse Resistance Education. I'm with Tim... some drugs are very helpful, especially when dealing with headaches and kidney stones!

Tim Harper said...

Sweet! Did I win anything?

(Ok, that was shameless... but I thought I'd check anyways)

Cheri said...

didn't see this 'til tonight but Lisa, all three of our girls "graduated" from the D.A.R.E. program. They have it in the elemetaries here. Let me know if you want any ideas and I can tell you what they do here although you can probably research just as easily just not near as much fun:)

Janene said...

i recognize all three -- especially love Smokey! but I don't know what D.A.R.E stands for. :o\